Career Profile

A solution-driven data scientist/analyst focus on solving business challenges by mining deep information from data. Actively seeking full time/internship opportunities in data science and software engineering.

Proficient in managing the entire data science project life cycle and actively involved in all the phases including data acquisition, data processing, features scaling, model construction, evaluation and data visualization. Specialized in Statistics Analysis, Data Mining, Machine Learning, NLP tasks, Blockchain and Cryptocurrency.


Master of Computer Science

California State University, Northridge - Northridge, CA

Post Graduate Diploma in Management

University of California, Riverside - Riverside, CA

B.S. in Information and Computing Science

Shanghai University - Shanghai, China


Market Research Analyst

2017 - Present
  • Build cryptocurrency trading systems by modeling and monitoring trading data and metrics across exchanges.
  • Trace and forecast future market trends by developing qualitative and quantitative research.
  • Identify potential opportunities like DeFi and NFTs by collecting information from various sources.

Data Analyst / Blockchain Developer

2017 - 2018
Golden West Capital, Inc. & Sumunity, Inc. - Pasadena, CA

Worked for both companies in Blockchain and Data fields.

  • Perform data ETL approach and prepare visualized business reports.
  • Predict the possible revenue by collecting and modeling business data from similar fields.
  • Trace and find market trends and idea product by tracing latest information from various sources.
  • Improved algorithm in some crypto currencies and deploy competitive DApps on Ethereum.

Data Analyst

2015 - 2018
Golden West Capital, Inc. - Ontario, CA

Served as a Data Analyst, improved business operation efficiency by targeting customers.

  • Use data mining method to decide proper rent for each potential tenant, increased prospective rent by 26%
  • Build model to find the best ad to put on social media with UCB algorithm, improved CTR(Click-Through Rate) by 50%
  • Prepare visualized business reports for supervisor and board of directors.
  • Help improved encryption of a cryptocurrency with double-Scrypt algorithm.

Data Analyst Intern

2012 - 2014
China Gold Group Corporation - Zhengzhou, China
  • Trace and monitor volatile gold price by developing qualitative and quantitative research.
  • Find Arbitrage opportunities on gold futures.


Here shows some of my project works. Click the project name to get the detail information on it.

Assessments of Transformer Fine-tune on Summarization - Research assessments use several pretrained transformers checkpoints from Huggingface API, downstreaming and fine-tuning to text summarization tasks and evaluating the performance including T5, T5-small, BART, Encoder-Decoder model with BERT, and ProphetNet.
Covid-19 Data Visualization - Data visualization of the latest Covid-19 data from and linear plot the trend lines.
Bitcoin Price Prediction with LSTM - A RNN model built with stacked LSTM to predict the trend of bitcoin price. This model uses the previous daysteps of data to predict the next day's price.
Simple Blockchain in Go - A blockchain program for library system made with golang, include the basic ideas such as Hash, Validation and Web Server.

Licenses & Certifications

  • Deep Learning Specialization
  • Coursera
  • Machine Learning
  • Coursera


    Data Analysis

    Machine Learning

    Data Mining

    Business Modeling

    Natural Language Processing

    Python, Go, C

    AWS, SQL

    Blockchain, DApps